Lesson Overview

Welcome to Web Design II! Thanks for coming back!
If you got through Web Design I, then you can say you know at least a little bit about HTML and CSS, but chances are, you still don’t know it really well. That’s because Web Design I was only a crash course. You crammed a lot of information into your brain at once and only a few things stuck. Especially if you took the course more than a year ago. The goal of this course, Web Design II, is for you to become a true master of HTML and CSS coding. You’ll have fun. You’ll get plenty of chances to design. And you’ll work through so many different assignments that you should feel pretty comfortable, in the end, with just about any code you write using HTML or CSS.
In order to get started, you need to complete a few important assignments. Go on to PART 1 and read about how you will be graded on all of your lessons and assignments.
PART 1: Grading
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Every lesson from Web Design II will include a list of assignments. Your responsibility is to complete the assignments within the deadlines that have been set. Your grade in Web Design II is based almost entirely on your ability to complete these assignments within a certain amount of time. Below is a simple breakdown of how you will be graded in Web Design II.
- If you complete 100% of the assignments in a lesson, you receive an A (100%).
- If you complete only 75% of the assignments in a lesson, you receive a B (85%).
- If you complete only 50% of the assignments in a lesson, you receive a C (75%).
- If you complete only 25% of the assignments in a lesson, you receive a D (65%).
- If you complete 0% of the assignments in a lesson, you will receive an F (0%).
You are working independently, but you may ask for help from other people in WD2 as needed. Reaching the deadlines will be a challenge for most students, but do your absolute best.
WARNING: This can be a very difficult class to earn an A. THREE STUDENTS IN WD2 FROM LAST YEAR EARNED AN F and they had always been considered good students. So anyone in WD2 who chooses to sit around, goof off, or distract other classmates for extended periods of time will be removed from their computers and/or receive alternate assignments. This will mean less time to reach the required deadlines. Any student who has to be removed from their computer even one time will probably see their grades go down. Don’t be that student.
PART 2: Assignments
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There are 9 Assignments below.
You must finish ALL of them
by January 11 to receive an A.
Assignment #1:
Complete the half page Student Info sheet and place it on the teacher’s desk.
Assignment #2:
Return the Parent Letter, signed and dated, to the teacher.
Assignment #3:
Go to SoloLearn and create an account with your own username and password.
This is where you will be going through slides, answering questions, and earning certificates like this.
Assignment #4:
Go to the WD2 Class Page on eCampus and find Discussion Topic #1.
Now write a short, 100-word paragraph about what you hope to achieve in Web Design II during the semester.
When you finish your paragraph, submit the post.
Assignment #5:
Go to your U:Drive and create a /WD2 folder.
Inside of that folder, create three subfolders: /img, /css, and /misc.
Inside of your /misc folder, create a file called “passwords.txt” so that you can store lesson passwords for when you forget.
Inside of your /WD2 folder (NOT inside of any subfolders) create one single “index.html” file and leave it blank.
You will work on the “index.html” page during Lesson 5.4. Not yet.
Assignment #6:
Log into ePassport and find the Google Drive app.
Create a New Folder on the left called Web Design II or something similar.
Throughout the semester, this is where you can upload anything that you do in class, share it with classmates, or work from home.
This is also where you will share projects with your classmates and your teacher when the time comes.
Assignment #7:
Create a new document with Notepad or Notepad++ and save it as 5-0_centralamerica.html in the WD2 folder of your U:Drive.
Using what you remember from Web Design I, design a single web page about a country in Central America.
You can use images. You can use words/text. You can use anchor links.
You can even use a template or go back and look at some of the tips on W3Schools.
Be as creative as you want, but this assignment is ONLY about showing what you already know how to do from your other class(es).
Please don’t spend more than 30-45 minutes on this design. Design something that works, but remember that you have a lot of other deadlines and this page doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Throw something together. Make it quick and simple. Just show what you can create in a short time and move on.
Assignment #8:
Log into eCampus, find the quiz section, and take the LG5 PreTest (password “ict”).
This will not be graded, but at the end of the semester, you will be taking a final exam and this will help to give you an idea of what questions will be on that exam. When you are finished, simply submit the PreTest so the teacher can see how you did.
Assignment #9:
Log into eCampus, find the quiz section, and take the LG5 Opening Checklist (password “checklist”).
This is how you will earn your grade for the Getting Started lesson. After doing this, you will be asking the teacher for a password to Lesson 5.1, so that you can get started with the real lessons.